Friday 6 January 2012


Unemployed 18 - 25 year olds! There are around a million of you. I offer you 'Youth Hope'; which aims to create communities, free of unemployment - with self-supporting, paid work for all!

To make this happen, please tell me what village, town or city you live in - so that I can ask them, to launch 'Youth Hope' there and be added, to 'The Upbeat League Table, of Great British Communities'.

This would entitle them to show-off their involvement, by superimposing a specially awarded 'Great' motif, alongside their place name, at entrances to the area; e.g. 'Great' Cleeve, North Somerset).

To do this, they need to set a proud policy, 'that as a caring, good place to live', residents in that place, will be asked, to give paid free-lance work, to any unemployed youngster, who wants to earn, whilst job seeking.

This would be done, because it would make sense to everyone and be in their interest, to improve life!

The pay would be around £7 - £10 per hour, direct from local householders (who want work done for them)with prospects of earning more.- - experienced overseeing, can be aranged.

This income could be temporary; with suggestions about how to get free accomodation, (so that you can avoid renting - to enable you to actually save money); or become permanent, if you decided to build a business from it. Every British community can make this happen, to abolish unemployment - for good!

The truth is, Britain has tremendous, untapped potential - and you are part of that.

Walk with me a while, let's share ideas. Tell me what your dreams are and I will help you make a start, towards any sensible horizon, you wish to aim for.

Incentives from businesses, will be offered, to you and your customers. You will be made to feel included in your society - and given the chance, to entertain the folks in your village, town or city, to encourage them, to enjoy where they live more.

This 'provision of free fun, could be your way of thanking them, for allowing you to create a viable life for yourself. It would also promote what you can do, to advance your opportunities.

Who knows who you'll meet, when you are out working; fate has a way of helping you get where you want to go! So make contact, with UpbeatBritain; I'm sure your family, neighbours and friends, will also welcome, the creation of 'work for all'!

Don't forget; you won't be on your own. Older people will be willing you on, to enjoy a life full of opportunity - you will be amongst good company, within your own age group, around a million of you!

This offer is open ended - available to all; not connected to any religious faith, political party; and with no connection with government agencies, business organisations, charities or vested intests, who you may feel, might want to take advantage of your situation.

Youth Hope, is not a group; but but an idea base, that wants to inspire everyone, to enjoy more out of life. It receives no funding from anyone and will never seek any.

Youth Hope will pay its way, through the economics of supply and demand; independently driven, by every member of society.

As private individuals choose to spend something each week, to have work done for them, all parts of britain will have a psychological boost - to abolish unemployment. This will relieve the tensions, between those in work and those out of work; 'those who have' and 'those who don't'.

There are lots of ways, that each community can boost opportunities, but it has to start, with work for all, Youth Hope and an UpbeatBritain approach. Work makes wealth and wealth can be spread around faster!

Simple steps, sustainably taken, can transform the way we live, through better use of labour, money, ideas, incentives, time and land, for all age groups, to relish.

Thank you for reading this. The sooner you act, the sooner your life will improve.

N.B. There is a first time for everything! - and now is the time, for realising 'what we are all losing', by having unemployment. Please contact me, so that your locality, can be part of the solution.

Yours, For Upbeat Britain - and 'Work for All'!

Youth Hope.